Mide meridyenimiz fiziksel ve ruhsal gıdayı hazmetmekte görevlidir. 45 akupunktur noktası bulunur. Besinleri sindirip enerjiye dönüştüren mide meridyenindeki tıkanıklık özellikle kadın cinsel organlarıyla doğrudan ilişkilidir. midede bulunan otuz beş milyon hücre hem yeni fikirleri hem de yeni besinleri karıştırmayı ve hazmedilmeden önce depolamayı sağlar. boyun kasları ile de bağlantılı olan mide meridyeni başımızı dik tutmamızı sağlar.
akış yönü : gözbebeğinin hizasında göz altında başlar, aşağıya çeneye iner, yüz etrafında dolaşarak alın ortasına gelir, gözün üzerinden geçerek köprücük kemiğine gelir, meme ucu hizasına geldiğinde aşağı göğüs hizasına inerek ön ortaya doğru beş santimetre kayarak göbek deliğinin alt hizasına iner, bacakların ve dizin dışından ayağın önüne gelir ve ayak başparmağının yanındaki parmakta son bulur.
aktif olduğu saat : 07:00 – 09:00
renk : koyu kahve
enerji : yang
Fonksiyonu : Besinlerin, fikirlerin sindirilmesi ve enerjiye dönüştürülmesi. Bu enerjiyi dalağa ve bağırsaklara aktarır
element : toprak
eş meridyeni : dalak
mide meridyen psikolojisi: bağımdaşlık
Mide meridyeni dengesiz olduğunda:
Kişiler yorgunluk, zayıflık, akne, fıtık, kolik, apandisit, ağrılı regl, yumurtalık sorunu, göğüs kisti, bacak ve diz ağrısı yaşayabilir. Boş ve açlık hissi, şizofreni, yeme bozuklukları, bencillik tembelik, kişisel çıkarlar gibi sorunlar da görülebilir.
Mide Meridyenini dengede tutmak için yapılabilecekler:
*Meridyen Terapi Seansları
*Temel Sindirim Detoksu
*Yoga çalışmaları
*Kundalı Çakra çalışmaları
*Mide çakra aktivasyonu
*Mizaca göre beslenme
Stomach Meridian
Our stomach meridian is responsible for digesting physical and spiritual food. Congestion in the stomach meridian, which digests food and converts it into energy, is directly related to the female genitalia.
In case of imbalance, we may experience fatigue, weakness, acne, hernia, colic, appendicitis, painful menstruation, ovarian problem, chest cyst, leg and knee pain.
Most active hours: 07:00 – 09:00
Emotion: Worry
Uses of the Stomach Meridian
I- All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and all related syndromes.
II- Diseases and pains with meridian length.
III- Maniacal and depressive states, neurasthenia, indecision.
respiratory diseases
Throat and larynx diseases
sexual diseases.
The task of this pair of meridians is to realize the contents of our emotions, thoughts and feelings, to keep all the nutrients, emotions and thoughts in our system that nourish us, protect us in a healthy way and give us a balanced energy. When the Stomach and Spleen Meridian works healthy, balanced and strong, we see clearly what supports and nourishes our system and what we cannot digest.
Stomach and Spleen Meridian is the element of Earth, Earth is the foundation of everything. We can feel rooted in the ground beneath our feet. If there is no soil, there is no food, there is no fertility of life.
The season of the earth element is the pastrami summer, which is not in our daily lives. When we enter the Earth Element, our thoughts have matured and become clear.
Now our feet are firmly on the ground, we feel mature, adequate, mature, settled, rooted.
Meridian Therapy Sessions
*Basic Digestive Detox
*Yoga exercises
- Kundali Chakra exercises
- Stomach chakra activation
- Nutrition according to temperament
The stomach is located between the intestines to the left of the diaphragm. It is the primary organ of digestion. It collects nutrients, separates them and manages the process of distributing them. It sends the nutrients it can use to the spleen, and sends the nutrients it cannot metabolize to the small intestine so that it can be processed once again.
Its function physically, mentally and energetically is very important; the whole body is nourished by it.
Millions of cells in the stomach store thoughts and emotions as well as nutrients and try to metabolize them.
In a healthy stomach meridian energy, it is easy to divide, digest, and clear difficult emotions and thoughts from the system. If the stomach meridian works poorly, foods, emotions, thoughts are stored in the stomach in a solid form and cannot be digested.
All kinds of food, emotions and thoughts that cannot be digested or divided cause diseases.
If the stomach meridian is in balance, difficult feelings are easily digested. It’s easy to concentrate and focus on whatever situation you’re going through.